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Synthetic diamonds – The challenge of traceability revealed

by Apr 6, 2017Sharing experience0 comments

Synthetic diamonds – The challenge of traceability revealed

A conference discussion took place on April 6, 2017


The 3DESIGN team has recently attended a lively conference-debate on the latest developments in synthetic diamonds. Conference organized by the Association Suisse Romande des Métiers de la Bijouterie (ASMEBI), whose organizers Mr. André Perrin (chairman) and Mr. Cédric Berruex (Head of Organization & Communication) are welcomed.

Among the 230 participants, all the trades around the diamond were represented: jewelers, setters, watchmakers, diamond dealers, merchants, buyers, creators or manufacturers. The speakers: international organizations, prestigious laboratories, large jewelers and watchmakers from Europe, America and Asia.

We learn that synthetic diamond, also called culture diamond or “carbonite” can exist in any shape, color and size of stone …

“It is produced from different physical and chemical techniques, it is an industrial reproduction of the so-called” natural “diamond which results from a natural miracle, from a volcanic activity and not from a molecular composition”

said Mr. Lieberherr, CEO of the Diamond Producers Association. Association that promotes long-term best practices in the industry and protects the integrity of the gemstone.


A question of price …

With an average price ratio of 1 to 3 between the two types of diamonds, and whose gap is increasing, the attraction towards the synthetic diamond is increasing and disturbs the professions of Jewelery but is strongly interested in in particular for the manufacture of tools.

The DPA, an alliance of 7 diamond-producing companies covering 70% of the world’s diamond production (125 million carats!), Has highlighted the main problem that remains: How is it possible to differentiate natural diamonds from syntheses

The De Beers representative (Dr Martineau, Head of Physics) has rightly emphasized the increased role of technologies in detecting these new diamonds via new generations of machines, as well as to bring them traceability, thus contributing to the development of confidence in the diamond trade (“DeBeeers consumers’ confidence program”).

It should be noted that the South African firm known for its dominant position in mining and world diamond trade is also developing a synthetic diamond production activity via its company “Element 6”.


Recognized actors at this conference

Speakers included representatives of the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). the GIA issues Certificates for Synthetic Diamonds to identify them. Also representatives of the RJ (Responsibe Jewelery council), UFBJOP (French Union of Jewelery, Jewelery, Goldsmiths’ Pearls and Pearls), Swiss Society of Gemmology, Ziemer Group, a manufacturer of cultured diamonds in Switzerland , whose CEO M. Ziemer has rightly put forward the environmental arguments with the impact of mining extractions on the environment and men (blood diamond …).

4 hours of intervention and debates on a hot topic that will undoubtedly make the ink flow in the months and years to come, especially since the question of the international standards governing this market has remained rather vague …

Thanks to the ASMEBI for this brilliant organization 

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