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"Unlock Your Jewelry Design Potential with 3Design – 30 Days Free!"
Congratulations on joining the fastest growing community of jewelry CAD designers and revolutionize your business. With 3Design, you will dazzle your existing Clients, attract new ones and enhance your creative process.
First Steps into 3Design
with a full guided tour hosted by our expert, Application Engineer at Gravotech software divisionGETTING STARTED WITH 3DESIGN
Take your first tour inside 3Design to become familiar with the General User Interface (GUI).
You’ll quickly be on your way to building your first designs.
Monthly Live Session: Discover 3Design with Our Experts!
Every month, we host a live online session with one of our 3Design experts! For one hour, explore our powerful jewelry CAD solution, ask your questions, and interact with our team. This is the perfect opportunity to discover our expertise and connect with us.