Whether you are already a customer or want to start using 3D CAD, we give you the opportunity with our TECH DAYS offers!
Discover the offers and contact our sales service to get a customized proposal.
FIRST LICENSENot a 3DESIGN user yet? It's time to purchase your first license!
If you are not yet a 3DESIGN user, now is the time to take the opportunity!
ADD A LICENSE Is your team growing? Do you need additional licenses?
It’s time to take advantage of our great TECH DAYS offers on your additional license.
You already own the 3DESIGN DESIGNER version? Or 3DESIGN ATELIER?
Upgrade to 3DESIGN V11 PRO with our attractive offers.
Take the opportunity to have a complete version with more possibilities and more creativity!
With our DeepImage option, make your creations come true!
Our realistic rendering software allows you to present your future pieces to your customers.


TIME TO UPDATE TO 3DESIGN V11Do you have a 3DESIGN V7, V8, V9, or v10 license?
Our packages are adapted to your needs, don’t miss to update your software and get now the new features and the optimal performance of the new V11 version! Change to… Our packages are adapted to your needs, don’t miss the chance to update your software and get the latest new features for optimal design performance with the new V11 version!
Offer valid from 05/17/2023 to 06/30/2023 included on a selection only on 3design.com, not cumulative with any other promotional offer.
Discount provided by our sales team.