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Aibususo.com, 3D jewelry design activities in Taiwan

by Nov 6, 2017Clients & Partners stories

Julia Cheng - aibususo.com

Julia Cheng – aibususo.com

Julia Cheng has an atypical profile! Rich of jewelry design knowledges, she offers hand drawing courses at the prestigious design association of TCJDA; She also provides Taiwanese jewelers with an online up-to-date wide library of designs from all over the world on different topics/themes via her own company AIBUSUSO and she also regularly publishes some art reports to be shared with her 9000 followers! She looks passionate about her job and we’re delighted to ask her for an interview.




Please tell me more about your daily work at AIBUSUSO and TCJDA

At Aibussuso:

  • A) Fresh global news every morning
    Personally, I think social medias will play an important role for marketing and sales in the near future, thus, Aibususo has set up a new media for jewelry industry. My daily work consists in reading news in the morning, mass reading not only jewelry related but also global economic news.
  • B) Meeting with Aibusuo editors
    To discuss and share about our Facebook and Weibo’s fans’ feedbacks
    To decide all together the headline of the next market report.

Aibususo usually releases a weekly market report on various topics including designer introduction, trends, new technologies, etc, this report is sent by email to approximatively 5,000 subscribers. 90% of them are Art related.

  • C) A “news media department” is about to be created on June 2017.
  • D) Design creations and my shop Business activity


At TCJDA association,
I am the executive secretary of the association. I hold or participate to all above related meetings with president Miss Wang. An average of 5-10 meetings per month.

With over 100 members, TCJDA is the biggest and most important jewelry design association in China and Taiwan. The association carries out the following functions:

  • to provide members with relevant market information
  • to connect business between Taiwan and overseas
  • to offer training courses for members, such as hand craft, 3D design, seminars of art…
  • to organize competitions, contests, events…

National competition for goldsmith jewelers
– more info on www.dljjewelry.com and https://goo.gl/5cGxnQ


How would you describe the jewelry market in Taiwan? and what are its own specificities?

Business in Taiwan market has been weak since the 2nd semester of 2016 and I am afraid this situation will last on beginning 2017.

The biggest advantage of Taiwan is that there is a strong community of professional members including both designers and gold handcraft that all stand together, this is very unusual in other markets. Most of them are independent designers (means a designer with 2-3 assistants) or small-to-middle scale factories (with employees about 20-50).

Another specificity is that Chinese people prefer to buy or collect fine jewelries and any luxury products whereas western people seem to prefer spending their money on holidays!
With such culture specificities, plus a qualified and professional manpower and a (soon, we hope) global economic situation recovery, jewelry business in Taiwan market should quickly grow up and become one of the most important on the island.

Any idea, how many jewelry businesses are in Taiwan?

They are about 2000 jewelers officially registered in Taiwan (shops, companies and factories).

How do you see the use of CAD software? And what do Taiwanese jewelers mostly think about CAD? What do they use?

In Taiwan jewelry industry, people gradually knew the importance of CAD.

So far most of jewelry CAD users were used to work on Rhino because of cost. Besides that, Rhino started promotion in Taiwan much earlier than other 3D software brands, there were also aggressive in campus thus most students or young designers were used to know it. No doubt the cost & performance ratio is a key concern when people decide which brand to learn or buy.

Year after year, Art students in colleges and universities has begun to discover 3DESIGN. In 2014, Dahan college, under Aibususo strong recommendation, started to offer 3DESIGN courses and spread its training scheme in other universities.

Education courses are the best way to let potential users understand the advantage and features of a strong software like 3Design. Only users know “what they will get” and so invest in it.

We thank Julia you for your time, we appreciate. You have been using 3DESIGN for 3 years, providing courses to professional jewelers. We invite the Taiwanese community to discover your service and and fresh news on www.facebook.com/aibususo .

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